Snow in October - Aren't we supposed to plant bulbs now?
Late summer, early fall, winter... these time delineations have quite a different meaning for those of us gardening in the mountain west, especially Wyoming. Read your catalogues and you'll see to plant your bulbs 6-8 weeks before a hard frost. But wait! We don't get 8 weeks between hard frosts. Okay so I am exaggerating... a little. Based on today's photo, it's time to get those bulbs in the ground as soon as this round of snow melts.
Also noteworthy is that leaves are still a beautiful crimson on this Euonymus alatus, or Burning Bush. At our elevation of 6150', most leaves are gone by now, but the Burning Bush will keep its beautiful fall color until the first of November.
Snowfall on Euonymus alatus, Burning Bush. In our elevation of 6150' this shrub is the ver