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Designing Outdoor Social Spaces - Gathering in the Garden Is a Trend That's Here to Stay
Beer Circles: a term first coined last spring by my desperate twenty-somethings aching to see their friends as our now familiar virus...
Simple, Spectacular, Summer Garden
Learn what plants to have in your garden to ensure a burst of summer at the end of the season.
Shade Gardens in Cold Climates
Shade gardens in cold short season climates are challenging. But you can have a beautiful shade garden high altitudes!
Wyoming Snow Fence to California Beach Cottage
Landscape fences with repurposed snow fencing.
Think Spring...Plant Fall; Spring-Blooming Bulbs
Why plant bulbs? ...vibrant color, rodent resistance, design virtues, early spring.
Wait for it...Wait for it...
A constant sense of anticipation is one of the things I love about living in the mountains. "When will the first snow fall?" "How many...
What does a high mountain landscape designer do in the winter months (which seem to include April this year)? Design for summer...
Color My World
'Winter White' has a ring to it. 'Spring White' does not. It's time for color. Or at least planning for our garden color. As in all...
Landforms and Snow Sculpture
Living in communion with the natural world, whether it be mountains or oceans, our senses are constantly taking in land sculptures. The...
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, How Useful Are Your Branches
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, how useful are your branches. You warm the soil, when snow won't fall, To save our spring, from no...
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